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Shelter Shorts

Starting Small Brings Big Rewards In Michigan, some organizations are coming up with creative approaches to teach the value of a dollar – a dollar saved, that is. Share Our […]

Woman construction worker carrying wood


The Paradox of Prevailing Wage

The complicated relationship between the Davis-Bacon Act, Black construction workers, and Black-owned construction businesses in Boston.


Reagan’s Legacy: Homelessness in America

While the media looks fondly at President Reagan’s accomplishments two decades ago, they all but ignore the devastating affects his policies left on the poor.

A black-and-white photo showing a large group of milling people near a sign that reads "Crestwood Hills/For information regarding this property/Mutual Housing Assn. Inc."


The Cooperative Struggle Against Redlining

Many people are familiar with redlining, but less well known are the handful of cooperatives that sprouted up following WWII with a bold mission: providing integrated, community-owned housing.


A Messy Food Fight

Everyone’s a little tense about groceries lately — eggs up to an average of $2.18 a dozen from $1.45 in 2006, whole milk around $3.87 a gallon, up from $3.20 […]


House Of Cards

When Mel Martinez announced his candidacy for the Senate from his home state of Florida, it was inevitable that he would give a positive spin to his record as secretary […]

Laura Foote (in yellow shirt at center) at a counter-protest to a rally opposing statewide upzoning bill SB 827. She's surrounded by fellow protestors who are holding signs that read "We Need More HOmes" and "More Homes for All."


YIMBYs: Friend, Foe, or Chaos Agent?

The relationship between pro-building “Yes in My Back Yard” activists, longtime housing advocates, and anti-displacement organizers varies across the country, but has often been fraught with difficulties. Is there a way forward?


Putting a Face on the Budget Cuts

“When you have a key that you can put in the door, it gives you the chance to control your destiny” says Almon Hubbard, a formerly homeless veteran in Buffalo, […]