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How Policy Can Help Tenants Purchase Their Homes, a Webinar
Laws that give tenants the ability to purchase their own apartments are popping up across the country. In this webinar, a panel of folks who have been reporting on, fighting for, and using these policies offer their perspectives on this powerful anti-displacement tool.
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Her Story, Her Power in Community Development: A Shelterforce Webinar
Five women from diverse backgrounds who span the country—Missouri, New Mexico, Hawaii, California, and Texas—got together with Shelterforce to talk about the community development field and their work in it.
LIHTC: Are Little Changes Enough? A Shelterforce Webinar
There are reforms and expansions of Low-Income Housing Tax Credit afoot. But some in the field argue that we need to change the tax credit model of financing housing more deeply—or move away from it entirely. Join scholars and organizers as they discuss these issues and explore a path forward.
Getting to More Accessible, Affordable, Inclusive Housing, a Shelterforce Webinar
Four disability advocates and experts explain what’s needed to house Americans with disabilities and some of the work that’s being done to get there.
A Critical Look at the Section 8 Program, a Webinar
In September, Shelterforce’s Shelby R. King was invited to participate in a virtual “Housing Hangout.” Panelists discussed the history of the Section 8 program, its strong points and failings, and ideas for large-scale reforms.
Tenant Organizing in Unexpected Places, a Webinar
Tenants aren’t just organizing in places like California and New York—hear about tenant organizing in small and mid-sized cities from Maine, Maryland, Texas and Kentucky.
Her Story, Her Power—A Shelterforce Webinar
Schlonn Hawkins, CEO and publisher of Shelterforce, moderated “Her Story, Her Power,” a discussion with four women of color who shared their unique journeys of leading change and fighting injustice.
How to Build a YIMBY/Tenant Activist Bridge, a Shelterforce Webinar
Shelterforce’s investigative reporter Shelby R. King wrote two pieces about YIMBY (Yes in My Back Yard) groups in 2022, including one that focused on shared interests between YIMBY supporters and […]
Taking the ADU Model to the Next Level, a Shelterforce and Next City Webinar
How can we get more accessory dwelling units built, keep them affordable, and make them forces for increasing racial equity?
Fighting Back Against Corporate Landlords—A Shelterforce Webinar
Shelterforce recently hosted a conversation about how to fight, and win, against corporate landlords and their extractive business models. Watch the video or read the transcript.
Why Wealth Matters to Your Health: A Webinar
How did the racial wealth gap begin? And why has it been so hard to fix? Shelterforce’s Miriam Axel-Lute and others discuss these topics in a webinar hosted by County Health Rankings & Roadmaps.
Closing the Racial Wealth Gap: A Webinar with NPQ
Four leaders in the field discuss strategic approaches to closing the racial wealth gap.
Push Back on the Racial Wealth Gap—A Shelterforce Webinar
Authors from Shelterforce’s recent series about the racial wealth gap and other experts talk wealth building, wealth extraction, and the tools available to help close the gap.