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Considering Geographic Equity
When we talk about equity, we’re typically talking about individuals or neighborhoods. But what about the imbalance in power and access to resources between entire metropolitan areas?
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Beyond a New Rail Stop
Expanding rail lines shouldn’t dominate transportation talk. Making improvements to existing transit can make a big difference for low-income households.
Don’t Wait to Call in the Artists
If artists are going to bring their creative problem-solving selves to projects, they need to get involved when the problem is being identified.
Integrating Arts and Culture Strategies into Transit Plans
Three transit projects show how artists, transit agencies, and community groups helped communities envision more equitable outcomes.
Using Ride-Hailing Services to Get Patients to Their Doctors
Health care providers and insurers are trying out new transportation models that could vastly benefit their patients—and their bottom lines.
The Ticket to Opportunity
An Indianapolis-based organization successfully campaigned to bring more funding to the mass transit system in Marion County. How did the organization balance the tension between expanding rail line service and improving bus service, and ensure race was at the forefront of the conversation?
The Problem with On-Demand “Transit”
While having door-to-door service might seem like an answer for areas poorly served by transit, it’s the wrong answer for both equity and ridership.
Bike Lanes Aren’t Just a White Thing
Neighborhoods of color are often more dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists, but they are also often left behind when local officials redesign streets to make them safer. How can we change this?
Blame Zoning, Not Public Transportation, for Displacement
As long as there’s a shortage of transit-rich, walkable neighborhoods, piecemeal solutions to address affordability issues won’t be enough.
Connected Neighborhoods
Transportation is the second largest direct expenditure for American households, after housing. Of course transportation costs vary widely based on where you live, how far you have to travel to […]
Affordable Housing on Transit Land
Transit providers are often major landowners in their communities. These sites are also opportunities to provide desperately needed affordable housing.
A Health Insurer and a CDC Collaborate to Move the Needle on Housing and Health
David Adame of Chicanos Por La Causa, and Joe Guadio of UnitedHealthcare talk about the value of addressing social determinants and lessons they’ve learned.
Who Most Needs Access to Core Neighborhoods?
We have a limited number of dense core neighborhoods where getting around without a car and without a lengthy daily commute are possible.