
racial justice

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A young woman in gold-rimmed glasses looks skeptically at a sheet of paper. She is across a table from an older woman in a peach top whose back is to the camera. The young woman has wavy brown hair with red overtones and wears a top that's light on top and dark below the shoulders. They're in a brightly lit meeting room.

Common Homelessness Assessment Leads to Racial Disparities in Housing Placements

Intake questions about past evictions and mental health stopped families of color from accessing long-term housing support, but agencies in Arizona and elsewhere are asking new questions.

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Financial System

How Tax Assessments are Racist

Between biased property appraisals that undervalue Black-owned properties and biased tax assessments that levy an unfair burden, homeowners of color are flanked by a double-whammy of racism.

Financial System

Say It With Your Chest: Race Matters in Lending

The Community Reinvestment Act was created to address racist lending practices, but it doesn’t specify race. Special purpose credit programs could help.

Race & Place

Blaming Redlining Is Too Easy

Expanding access to the housing market is unlikely to do much to close the racial wealth gap. Here’s why.

Bank corporate finance building seen from below. The sign "bank" visible close. Sky reflecting in the glass facade. More Facade pictures below
Financial System

The Post-Protest Pledges: Banks’ Racial Equity Initiatives

It’s been almost two years since the racial justice reckoning galvanized big banks to promise billions of dollars to increase racial equity and close the wealth gap. What are those dollars going toward, and how big a change do they represent?


In Defense of Asian American Neighborhoods

How do you address a history of anti-Asian housing discrimination? Not by destroying Asian American communities.


Making Inclusionary Housing Programs a Force for Racial Equity

Three city administrators go beyond the press releases to talk about what it really takes to make an inclusionary housing requirement serve households of color.


How LISC, Enterprise Hope to Bring More Capital to Developers of Color

Two large community development intermediaries have announced major racial equity initiatives that emphasize how affordable housing gets built—and who builds it.


Chicago Changes How It Allocates Tax Credits to Improve Racial Equity

How did the Windy City expand the idea of advancing racial equity through low-income housing tax credits beyond where affordable housing is built?


Improving Racial Equity via Emergency Rental Assistance

Five ways to ensure that rental assistance reaches communities of color with high levels of need.


Finance and Chill? Big Tech Flirts with Community Development

Facing calls to invest in racial equity, companies like Netflix, Twitter, and others have recently pledged millions in new financing for affordable housing, small businesses, and other community development projects. Will they stick around?


Inclusionary Housing: Secrets to Success

A new survey of unprecedented scale gives us insight into the diverse range what of inclusionary housing programs look like and which ones are successful.

Community Development Field

Community Engagement Can’t Be a Checklist

Are we engaging communities meaningfully, or are we just checking off boxes?