
climate change

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A row of small, two-story houses with pitched roofs on a paved street. They alternate in color between yellow and medium gray, and some have shrubs in the front yards. There are no cars n the street.

Soaring Property Insurance Rates Threaten Affordable Housing Development

Rapidly rising insurance premiums are forcing affordable housing developers to cut back on programming, lay off staff, and even sell. To add insult to injury, some insurers also seem to be adding penalties or withdrawing coverage for housing voucher holders.

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Parks can be a key component of building resilience. Two women walk adjacent to Buffalo Bayou Park in downtown Houston, Texas.
Community Development Field

Designing for Climate Change

How can affordable housing be more resilient to extreme weather and better prepared to deal with the consequences of climate change?

Dripping faucet.

The Connection Between Water, Justice, and Health

Our talk with Radhika Fox, the CEO of the US Water Alliance, about water justice and ways to build stronger communities.

Big Pine Keys was hit hard by Hurricane Irma. More that 700 buildings, mostly homes, were destroyed or severely damaged.

Community Land Trusts in the Age of Climate Change

With the intensification of weather patterns resulting from climate change, community land trusts perform vital functions that help people recover.

Sol2Sol banner at the climate march

It Takes Strong Roots to Achieve Climate Justice

Throughout 2018’s Sol-2-Sol climate justice convening, indigenous people led many of the actions and activities.

Smoke over California hills.
Community Development Field

Not If But When: A Disaster Preparedness Conversation

Against the back drop of 2017’s California wildfires, a quickly organized session took place to discuss disaster response and recovery from the perspective of being a housing organization.


Rising Tides, Rising Costs

In the face of climate change, flood insurance rates are rising. But program rules, and the history of who has been shunted into the floodplains, means the brunt is being bore by those least able to absorb it.


Native Alaskans See Walrus Harvest Disappear with Sea Ice

The effects of climate change have wreaked havoc with Arctic weather conditions that while always extreme and highly changeable, could be read like a book.