Too Much Measurement
I'm a data guy. I loved statistics in grad school. I crank through spreadsheets on a daily basis. I've coordinated two national surveys on community land trusts and co-authored an […]
162 Results Found for
I'm a data guy. I loved statistics in grad school. I crank through spreadsheets on a daily basis. I've coordinated two national surveys on community land trusts and co-authored an […]
We don’t really have a housing assistance system. We have hundreds of them. And that’s part of why it’s so hard to get rent relief out.
VA home loan guarantees and community land trusts are perfect partners, but not everyone knows that yet.
Here are three key facts to understand the President’s 2016 budget request for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in its broader budget, policy, and political contexts: 1. The proposed funding increase is much more modest than it may initially appear. The President’s $41.0 billion HUD request for 2016 is $6.2 billion, or […]
Four disability advocates and experts explain what’s needed to house Americans with disabilities and some of the work that’s being done to get there.
The Washington Post reported today that a preliminary HUD budget cuts $6 billion—eliminating Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and the HOME program, and cutting the already inadequate public housing operating […]
The Republican and Democratic National Conventions are over, and the nation’s affordable housing crisis has struck out. Not a single primetime speaker even uttered the words “housing crisis” or relayed […]
Rideshare drivers strike protest | Cities design for climate change | Design that doesn’t make climate change worse| HUD proposes a cruel rule | Seniors and affordable housing | Leave the CFPB alone | Targeting Vets for bad loans | More…
From the removal of confederate statues throughout the South to the controversial actions by football players during the national anthem, we, as a nation, are currently arguing about what our […]
Using a simple cost-to-income ratio to measure affordability doesn’t give us a good picture of who is really burdened by housing cost. We need a different approach.
More and more tiny homes are being built across the U.S. Where are they being developed, who they are serving, and what obstacles do they face in addressing the need for more affordable housing?
The American Housing Rescue and Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008: approved by the Senate on Saturday should appropriately be called the “Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Rescue Bill” because that […]