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Candidate (and Tenant) Perry’s Housing Record

In June, Rooflines published a piece by Kevin Jewell, a consultant for the Texas Low Income Housing Information Service outlining Texas Governor Rick Perry’s vetoes of important low-income and tenants […]


Interview with Xavier de Souza Briggs, Associate Director for General Government Programs at the Office of Management and Budget

Xavier de Souza Briggs, Associate Director for General Government Programs at the White House Office of Management and Budget has a portfolio that includes HUD, Treasury, Commerce, Justice, Transportation, and Homeland Security departments, as well as the U.S. Postal Service and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. All of these make a direct and profound impact in the community development world.


Moving Toward the Market

Most of us work in nonprofit organizations; many in community development corporations. In our nonprofit world, our “customers” are rarely the ones who pay our salaries. We rely instead on […]

Several residents, as well as some children, enjoy outside exercise equipment.


Getting Health on Board

It’s becoming increasingly common for community development corporations and grassroots housing organizations to have board members from the health care sector. Here’s why.


Saving a Landmark in the Bronx

The deteriorating building at 1520 Sedgwick Ave. in the Bronx, also known as General Sedgwick House, is credited as being the birthplace of hip-hop, where DJ Kool Herc (Clive Campbell) […]


Sowing Seeds of Change: Q&A with John Atlas

Editors of sat down recently with John Atlas, NHI board president and author of Seeds of Change: The Story of ACORN, America’s Most Controversial Antipoverty Community Organizing Group, to discuss the organization itself, as well as organizing on a national level, tensions between organizing and development, and lessons learned from the downfall of the once-powerful antipoverty organization.


The Organizers Active on the Gulf Coast

Organizers working on the Gulf Coast include the following: ACORN, (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) founded in 1970, has over 175,000 member families. They are organized in […]