Section 8 Allowed
Early research shows that laws prohibiting discrimination based on source of income may improve outcomes for Housing Choice Voucher holders.
What—and Who—Is a “Nuisance”?
Why are nuisance ordinances proliferating nationwide, and who is disproportionately affected?
Supreme Court Set To Rule on Disparate Impact, Fair Housing
The potential success of recent HUD rule changes regarding “affirmatively further fair housing” rest quite substantially on how municipalities can or will choose to pursue violations of the Fair Housing […]
HUD’s New AFFH Rule: Will It Work?
Recently, HUD announced that it is changing how municipalities will be required to demonstrate that they are complying with the Fair Housing Act. Coming on the heels of the ruling […]
Under One Roof?
In a recent article, the Charlotte Observer highlighted a “new” trend in homebuilding: the multi-generational home. Home builder Lennar Corporation and others are rolling out prototypes for multifamily housing in […]
The Invisible Poverty of the Suburbs
Our anti-poverty policies have failed the suburban poor, say Elizabeth Kneebone and Alan Berube. Their new book, “Confronting Suburban Poverty in America,” highlights our country’s historically fragmented approach to urban […]
The Renter’s Dilemma
“The old formula of buying and dying in your house is no longer the formula for many…The stigma of renting is no longer the case. When it comes to living […]
3 Reasons We’re Not Reaching Rural Communities
Rural communities are being ignored. Again. As discussion of the federal sequester and fights over funding dominate the news channels as well as policy discussions, key gaps in our ability […]