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Distant view of wildfire in Colorado. In the middle distance are houses and buildings. Beyond them, on the far side of an open landscape of grasses, are more settled areas. Some of the buildings are burning. Over the distant ground, thick dark smoke covers the right-hand seven-eighths of the image.At far left is a bit of blue sky.

What Two Wildfires Reveal About the Cracks in Our Emergency Response

Thousands lost their homes in the Almeda and Marshall fires. Years into long-term recovery, a look at who received emergency assistance and who was left out can teach us a lot about which populations are most vulnerable to climate events.

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Stock image of mobile phone lying on a corkboard with screen reading "Money Transfer" and fields for amount and account number (not filled in). A pair of white earbuds is connected to the phone and also lying on the cork.
Reported Article

Colorado Wants to Give Tenants Money for Paying Rent

A new statewide program aims to help renters benefit from the value they add to the buildings they live in. Here’s how the program could work, and when it could begin.

A view of a city from a grassy hillside. Just beyond the hill is a large settlement of one- and two-story houses, mostly visible by their roofs. Beyond them rises a steep, evergreen-dotted, and rocky mountain. The sky far beyond is white, except for a bit of blue at the right. No people are visible in this photo.
Reported Article

Western States Look to These Lands for New Affordable Housing

In several western states, state-owned trust lands were created to support schools and other community benefits.

An illustration of a home being grab by giant hands. In the background, a red plane holds a banner that reads "We Buy Ugly Houses!"
Reported Article

The Ugly Truth Behind “We Buy Ugly Houses”

HomeVestors of America, the self-proclaimed “largest homebuyer in the U.S.,” trains its nearly 1,150 franchisees to zero in on homeowners’ desperation.

A mountainous Colorado landscape
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Colorado Passed a Historic Affordable Housing Measure. Is It Enough?

The state underfunded affordable housing for decades, but voters recently approved $300 million in new annual spending—and more could be coming.


ADUs: Defined, Disambiguated, and Debated

Accessory dwelling units are being touted as a way to provide more affordable rental units for tenants, and additional monthly income for homeowners. But some cities allow them, others don’t. So what are ADUs exactly?


Right to Counsel Movement Gains Traction

New York City became the first in the nation to give low-income tenants free legal representation. Now, several other counties and cities have either passed similar legislation or have drafted bills in the pipeline.

Whatever Happened to ...

CLTs Still Going Commercial—Nonprofit Offices, Hairdressers, and a Sausage Factory

Community land trusts, better known for permanently affordable housing, expand into commercial spaces for a wide range of reasons, and in a wide range of ways.

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As the Pandemic Continues, Officials Look to Long-Term Housing Options with Hotels

Advocates point to a bevy of successes in slowing the spread of the virus, but authorities struggle with cost burden.

A polling place in a space that appears to be a gymnasium. (A large Nike "whoosh" banner hangs high on the wall.) There are two curtained voting booths on wheels, and the lower legs and feet of a voter can be seen behind one of the curtains. The second booth is partly hidden, but a woman in jeans and a blouse is standing in front of it. She may be a voter or a poll worker. A volunteer poll worker seated at a folding table is signing in a voter, and two other people wait in line to sign in.

Did America Vote to Tackle Race and Health Inequities?

The ushering in of a new administration is a good time to reflect on some key 2020 ballot measures that have either advanced or hurt racial and health equity.

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Where Voters Supported Affordable Housing

It’s no surprise that all eyes have been on the General Election’s presidential and congressional races. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated many of the preexisting conditions of inequality, poverty, and […]

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Tobacco Causes Cancer. Can it Also Build Housing?

“Sin taxes” usually fund health and education programs. Will Colorado add housing to that list? And should they?


Common Ground: Smart Growth and Affordable Housing

Smart growth and affordable housing advocates can work together.