area median income
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LIHTC: Are Little Changes Enough? A Shelterforce Webinar
There are reforms and expansions of Low-Income Housing Tax Credit afoot. But some in the field argue that we need to change the tax credit model of financing housing more deeply—or move away from it entirely. Join scholars and organizers as they discuss these issues and explore a path forward.
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How Are LIHTC Rents Set—And Why Can’t So Many Renters Afford Them?
This video breaks down the LIHTC rent-setting process, and shows the surprising number of people it doesn’t serve.
The Geography of Mixed-Income Neighborhoods
Where are “naturally-occurring” mixed income neighborhoods, how do we support them, and how do we use them as examples to model?
The Secret History of Area Median Income
AMI is typically used to determine whether a person is eligible for housing assistance. But in a large and wealthy area like the New York City metro, the resulting definitions of “low income” are often skewed, leaving out those who really need the help.
Q: What Do All These Housing Affordability Terms Mean?
While we use terms like “affordable housing,” “moderate income,” “housing poverty,” and “area median income” often, we thought it’d be helpful to explain what all these housing affordability terms mean. Make sure you’re using these 19 terms correctly.