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Building in Affordability

A range of existing policy tools can help preserve and expand affordable housing near planned transit stations — but to have the most effect, they need to be put in place up front.


Community Is a Moving Target in Los Angeles

Empowerment is the ultimate response to displacement: perpetual affordability in a process that gives folks a stake in discussions and in an economy from which they are usually shut out.


“No Evictions. We Won’t Move!”

“This land is too valuable to permit poor people to park on it.” —Justin Herman, former executive director of the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, 1970 The land Herman was referring […]


CLTs Go Commercial

The idea of turning the community land trust model into an economic development tool is attracting growing interest, but there are still a lot of unanswered questions about how it would work.


What’s the Matter With Newark?

For the community economic development organizations that have spent decades trying to keep Newark’s neighborhoods afloat, the promise of a new mayor has only managed to throw the city’s paradoxes into sharper relief.