Winter 2012–2013
Issue #172
Time to Rethink the CDC Model?
Time to Rethink the CDC Model? What is a CDC? Many a meeting among those in the field has descended into argument about what is inside and outside the line. It was inevitable that in designing a focus issue on the “CDC model” that we would be asked to examine that question as well. Shelterforce takes a very expansive view of community development. We believe it can encompass anyone working to create healthy communities in low-income neighborhoods and empower their residents.
Restoring Confidence in the CDC Model
Have we lost faith in our friends? Results driven standards killed a system meant to help in ways beyond the quantifiable. We need trust to revive the model.
Why Is Housing Development So Central to CDCs?
We asked our readers why they thought housing development had become so central to community development. While over three-quarters responded that it’s because it transforms lives and neighborhoods, nearly half […]
Coming Together…And Staying Together
Lessons from three decades of state CDC network formation.
Can Successful Community Development Be Anything But Comprehensive?
To truly help a neighborhood you need a lead agency to organize, plan, and coordinate many actors.
Immigration and Community Development Corporations
How do CDCs transform—or not—along with the communities they serve?
The Value of the Local Touch
Last November, we surveyed readers about what they thought the rise of high-capacity nonprofit housing developers meant for neighborhood-based community developers that use real estate as a tool in their […]
Stuck in the Middle
What do community development intermediaries do these days, and why do we need them?
Growing a Stronger Nonprofit Housing Sector
High-capacity nonprofit housing enterprises that can achieve efficiencies of scale have an important role to play in addressing the affordable housing crisis and policy makers should help them do so.
CDCs Adapt to the New Normal
CDCs and their support organizations consider what it takes to weather the recession—from business model changes to different funding streams to mergers.
The Changing Model of CDCs
Staying relevant in a changing economy will push CDCs to place importance on green initiatives, sustainability, and out-of-the box funding methods.
Juntos Somos Más: Collectively Building Local Assets
National organizations adapting to meet the needs of growing minority populations should throw their funding behind well-established grassroots
Neighborhoods or Regions? A Trick Question
There is a narrative out there about how much of community development has lost its soul — community development has become too much about Development and not enough about Community, […]
What Mumbai’s Slums Do Right, And Why We Should Emulate Them
Sometimes to understand our own cities and community development practices it is helpful to understand a radically different setting. In the slums of Mumbai one thing is immediately evident: the […]
Scale, Schmale. What About Impact?
If you think what’s wrong with CDCs today is their failure to “go to scale,” you are looking in the fundamentally wrong direction, asking the wrong questions. While I do […]
Community Development Corporations at a Crossroads
For nearly half a century, community development corporations (CDCs) have been a tool of choice for organizing and implementing grassroots economic development programs. Emerging in the aftermath of the civil […]
The Past, Present, and Future of Community Development
The changing face of achieving equity in health, education, and housing in the United States.
What Is Community Development?
Over the following pages, our authors explore many aspects of the community development field, and especially the role of community development corporations in it. But we know you have opinions too. To set the stage, last year we invited our readers to take a survey about how they understood the community development field and community development corporations. The survey was promoted through our weekly newsletter and social media. We got about a hundred responses.
Let’s Hear From the Field
Investing in What Works for America’s Communities, edited by Nancy O. Andrews and David J. Erickson. Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and Low Income Investment Fund, 2012, 419 pp. Free ebook.
Many Goals, One Field
What is a CDC? Many a meeting among those in the field has descended into argument about what is inside and outside the line. It was inevitable that in designing […]
Living in the Buffer
Preventing the development of new affordable housing in close proximity to freeways isn’t a just solution to the health effects of LA’s air pollution.