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A young family of three seen from the back as they look at a house. From right: A light brown-skinned man with shaved head and chin whiskers in a blue chambray shirt and khakis points to the house, at something out of frame. His other arm is around a black-haired woman in a narrow-striped button-up white shirt over blue jeans. One of her arms is around the man's waist; with the other she holds a small dark-haired child in a pale blue top and black leggings and no shoes. The house is white with brown window trim, and a sold sign in one window.

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Housing Policy Needs Abolition Too

Abolition—as a mode of mobilization and social change directed at the criminal legal system and elsewhere—remains widely misunderstood.

Community Development Field

Advancing Antiracism in Community Development

How can the community development field stay aligned with the movements that led to its rise in the first place?


‘Opportunity Areas’ Shouldn’t Just Be Places With A Lot of White People

Why do we think moving to white neighborhoods will solve our problems?


Affordable Housing for LGBTQ Seniors

LGBTQ seniors are more likely than peers their age to experience discrimination, leaving them more likely to be poor and have chronic health problems. What does it take to create affordable, LGBTQ-friendly senior housing?

A teddy bear sits among discarded furniture on the side of the street

What You Need to Know About the Eviction Crisis

As Congress debates the details of a stimulus deal, we’re giving you a roundup of the eviction crisis as well as the details of what COVID relief could be included in the package.

Person at a protest wears a shirt that says, "Acknowledge your privilege"

In Trump’s Lame Duck Period, Nonprofits Still Face “Chaotic” Effect of His Orders

Nonprofits struggle to understand how to respond to the ban on “divisive concepts” in their training and protect their federal funding.


A ‘Public Option’ for Low-Income Homeownership?

What the USDA could teach us about better federal homeownership policy.


COVID Through the Eyes of a South Asian Immigrant Teen

Why the federal government must allocate funds toward mental health counseling for youth and increase access to resources for immigrant families.

Community Development Field

“Why Would a Hospital Do This?” Shifting Institutional Culture for Health Equity

Hanaa Hamdi is the director of health impact investment strategies and partnerships at New Jersey Community Capital, the state’s largest CDFI. Michellene Davis is the executive vice president and chief […]

Financial System

Flooded: How Natural Disasters Lead to Predatory Lending in the Rio Grande Valley

The devastation that communities in the Rio Grande Valley experience is twofold: the initial destruction of the floods and the cycle of debt and poverty as a result of predatory loans.


Health Care and Community Development Partnerships in the Time of COVID-19

For health care institutions and community development organizations that focus on low-income communities’ social determinants of health, this year has been a doozy. The concept that a person’s health is […]

Jigsaw is a harmony among the group will not be impossible.

8 Ways to Connect with Your Public Health Department

Tips for community organizations looking to build relationships with local public health departments.