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Tiffany Manuel

3 Posts

Tiffany Manuel is a nationally recognized housing expert and the founder of TheCaseMade, which trains leaders to make the case for social justice. She is a member of the Shelterforce board and the author of "Case Made! 10 Powerful Principles That Win Hearts, Change Minds, and Grow Impact."

Criminalizing Homelessness: Supreme Court Case Gives Us a Chance to Change the Narrative

The Grants Pass decision will shape the way cities address homelessness in ways that may challenge housing advocates, but it also represents the best opportunity we’ve had in decades to change the narrative on homelessness and build stronger public will for housing.


Moving from the Inequitable Housing System We Have to the Housing System We Need

Three big, but basic, things that we could do right now to get us much closer to equity in housing.

Painted gentrification sign on wall

Who Gets to Live Where, and Why? The Answer May Be Settled By Our Narratives

Why housing messaging is backfiring and recommendations on how to change course.