affordable housing
Dedicated from the beginning to everyone working to empower and support low-income communities, Shelterforce provides a venue for conversations that need to be had—on topics such as housing affordability, homeownership, and lots more.
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What’s Happening with the Billions in Climate Funding for Low-Income Communities?
Shelterforce breaks down the latest information on the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. How can the affordable housing industry take advantage of the funding opportunities, and why are some folks worried about the fund's rollout?
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TOPA Needs Capital to Succeed
TOPA helps prevent displacement and build tenant power in D.C. Affordable capital is critical to its success.
This Part of Spain Has Won Rent Regulations U.S. Tenant Activists Can Only Dream Of
In Spain, a new law makes rent control possible—and one region has implemented it. In Catalunya, a rent freeze and rental price index promise to help struggling tenants.
Nonprofit Housing Developers Deserve Better LIHTC Terms
When it comes to LIHTC deals, nonprofit developers don’t get the same advantages big, for-profit developers do. A new fund is setting out to change that.
Reining in Rising Property Insurance Rates
There are many proposed ways to mitigate the property insurance cost crisis. They all require federal or state government to act.
The Permanent Affordability That Wasn’t: Lessons from the Pythian Building
A high-stakes, high-profile community land trust project once hailed as a triumph in New Orleans ended in disaster for its residents, but it’s important to draw the right lessons about why.
Nonprofit to Close Mobile Home Community to Build a Park
Ohio’s largest conservation land trust has been accused of purchasing a manufactured housing community with the very intention of closing it, evicting more than 100 households in the process. But proponents of the park’s closure say the land’s failing infrastructure—and the benefit the property will bring to an entire city—is what forced the decision.
Tribal-Sponsored Development Offers Housing and More in Minneapolis
A hub for health care, social services, and community, the Mino-Bimaadiziwin apartments meet the unique needs of urban Native Americans while enriching the surrounding community.
Legitimate Debate or Short-Sighted Complaints? 5 Reasons Affordable Housing Is Expensive to Build
There’s no denying that affordable housing can be expensive to build. But we need to look at the long-term benefits of those investments to see the bigger picture.
How ‘Tenant Stewards’ Are Using TOPA to Form a Co-op
Organized by a pandemic-era mutual aid group, this housing cooperative is taking advantage of D.C.’s pioneering Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act. But the pressure of paying back a loan with mounting interest could stymie the group’s plans to provide affordable housing.
The FSS Program Was Expanded Beyond Public Housing Authorities—Here’s How It’s Going
In 2018, the Family Self-Sufficiency Program was expanded to privately owned properties receiving project-based rental assistance. Here’s a look at how early adopters have used the program to support residents, and the lessons they learned along the way.
How Tenant Activists Won Protections Against Mid-Lease Rent Hikes in Affordable Housing
Last year, we reported on tenants in Northern Virginia LIHTC properties whose rents were raised in the middle of their leases. Here’s how other states have banned the practice.
LIHTC: How It Started, How It’s Going
The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit was created in a moment when other real estate tax preferences were going away—but at the time, no one expected it to grow into the main source of affordable housing finance in the country.