Stephanie Reyes

4 Posts

Stephanie Reyes formerly served as state and local policy manager at Grounded Solutions Network.

Making Inclusionary Housing Programs a Force for Racial Equity

Three city administrators go beyond the press releases to talk about what it really takes to make an inclusionary housing requirement serve households of color.


Inclusionary Housing: Secrets to Success

A new survey of unprecedented scale gives us insight into the diverse range what of inclusionary housing programs look like and which ones are successful.


Lasting Affordability Is the Path to Resilience

We now have a unique opportunity, generated by a combination of life-threatening conditions and focused political will stemming from the Black Lives Matter movement, to re-prioritize local housing policies and resources.

Eastern Market food advertisement banners on old buildings in downtown Detriot.

Inclusionary Housing in Soft or Mixed Markets

The time to strike isn’t when the iron is hot. Cities in soft or mixed markets should adopt inclusionary housing policies before the housing market heats up and the process becomes even more challenging.