Controlling Land Collectively: The CLT Ground Lease Reimagined
Community control often gets conflated with affordability for neighborhoods seeing rising prices, and it’s obviously good to make land stay affordable. But affordability is not the same as democratic decision-making.
On Clinton, Obama, Trump, and the Failures of Liberal Urban Policy
In the closing days of the seemingly endless 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, it became increasingly clear to political observers that Hillary Clinton was explicitly adopting a platform of continuity with […]
Immigration and Community Development Corporations
How do CDCs transform—or not—along with the communities they serve?
What Kind of Community Organizations and for What Purpose?
We expect the “solutions” to social problems to be found within the community, and yet community groups, more often than not, work beyond their communities’ boundaries. Why? Because they see the reality that if social and economic justice are to be realized in a community, then changes that are larger than the community must take place.
How to Overcome the Current Limitations in Theory and Practice
Our forthcoming book, Contesting Community, outlines several propositions in the closing chapter that have been put in place in various ways by the organizations we discuss here. The groups act […]