headshot of Heather K. Way

Heather Way

4 Posts

Heather K. Way is a clinical professor and the director of the Housing Policy Clinic at The University of Texas School of Law.
A tightly cropped black-and-white view of stone Ionic columns at the entrance to a courthouse. Words are carved on the lintel over the columns; visible in this photo are "and blessing."
Practitioner Voice

Six Steps to Ensuring a Strong Right to Organize for Tenants

Getting solid legal protections in place will help tenants stick up for themselves more safely and effectively.

Practitioner Voice

Property Tax Relief Programs Don’t Reach Many Homeowners of Color

Property tax relief programs can be essential for helping older and lower-income homeowners keep their homes. But access to them isn’t universal, or equitable.

Guadelupe Neighborhood

The Guadalupe Neighborhood in Austin: 40 Years of Pushing Back Against Displacement

The community of Guadalupe’s 40-year struggle to fight displacement in the face of development pressure is instructive for other communities facing similar challenges.

Financial System

Homeownership Without a Net

Despite some new reforms, low-income households buying homes outside the traditional mortgage market are still at tremendous risk—and often legal limbo.