Health Sector 101

A Quick Look at the U.S. Health Care Sector

A graphic illustration of the U.S. health care sector—the payers, plans and providers, and public health systems.

This article is part of the Under the Lens series

Health Sector 101

Housing is health care. The truth of that statement is clearer now than ever before. But knowing that partnering with the health sector is a good idea and understanding how to do it are two different things. This series talks about what often doesn't get said. Who are the players in the health sector, and what are their incentives to address social determinants of health? What is the difference between public health and medical care? How do partnerships get started?

Over the last couple of years as we’ve explored the connection between health and community development, we’ve learned that it’s vital that we better understand how to partner with the health sector. This illustration is part of a Shelterforce series that explores just that.

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Other Articles in this Series

Health Sector 101