
Twin Cities HUD Office Spared in Scheduled Closings

Here's some good news to start your Monday: A HUD office serving Minnesota, South Dakota and North Dakota will stay open and continue providing services to its unique client base […]

Here's some good news to start your Monday:

A HUD office serving Minnesota, South Dakota and North Dakota will stay open and continue providing services to its unique client base after being championed by the Metropolitan Consortium of Community Development in Minneapolis and the National Alliance of Community Economic Development Associations.

Suzanne Gunther tells the story on NACEDA's blog:

When HUD announced that it would close 16 of its 80 field offices in April, NACEDA received a call from Darielle Dannen of the Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers (MCCD) in Minneapolis. Dannen was alarmed that the office serving Minnesota, South Dakota and North Dakota was slated for closure. She wanted to partner with other NACEDA members top prevent field office closures.    

“We thought it was really important to keep our local office open because of their deep understanding of rural development, senior co-operative housing models, Native American communities, and the unique needs of populations living in this part of the country” said Dannen. “We didn't think we'd be as well served by an office say in Chicago that doesn't have that expertise.”

NACEDA Director Frank Woodruff contacted members around the country who were affected by the closures. He and Dannen were surprised to learn that no other members raised strong objections to the slated closures. Woodruff sent a letter to HUD explaining why “the Minneapolis Multifamily Office is a shining example of some of HUD’s best work” and should remain open.

“It was really useful to find out from NACEDA members that there was not an outcry in other parts of the country. We used that information to emphasize to HUD that this was a unique situation,” Dannen explained.  “It's a lot more compelling when a national organization that represents organizations throughout the nation tells you that it's a mistake to close this particular office,” she added.

Click here to read the rest of “NACEDA Associations Help Upper Midwest Residents Save HUD Field Offce.”