
Housing and Community Development Election Analysis Roundup

HousingWire says no big changes for housing industry, thinks administration will not actually remove FHFA acting director Ed DeMarco, as it suggested it would if the president won reelection. City Limits reviews […]

HousingWire says no big changes for housing industry, thinks administration will not actually remove FHFA acting director Ed DeMarco, as it suggested it would if the president won reelection.

City Limits reviews the Obama administration's urban policy to date.

Smart Growth America reports there were many wins on local transportation, infrastructure funding, and land use decisions.

NHI board member Peter Dreier writes about the real winners and losers.

Legislators who ranked high on Institute for Policy Studies' rankings for fighting inequality “won big.”

PICO's organizing networks helped beat back scary ballot initiatives.

Three Gamaliel-trained organizers were elected or reelected.

While you might have a different take on whether the outcome of these races are good or bad, the American Banker has a round-up of 10 key banking related wins and losses in Congress.

National CAPACD's Asian-American Election Eve poll showed that Asian Americans have strong support affordable housing – with nearly 60% strongly or somewhat supporting expanding the existing federal program that helps low-income people pay their rent, and nearly 70% strongly or somewhat supporting a federal program to build new or rehab existing homes that low-income people can afford to rent. However, 46 percent were unfamiliar or not too familiar with the federal government’s role in providing for long term or 30 year fixed mortgages, signaling an education opportunity. 

Do you know of any local or state victories (or losses) that are big news for affordable housing or community development? Share them in the comments.