Whlie Michigan's 5th District may see their new Congressman, Dan Kildee, first as the nephew of their retiring 36-year current representative, Dale Kildee, the community development world is more likely to know him as the founder of the Center for Community Progress.
Kildee founded CCP as a continuation of his work on the Genesee County Land Bank, widely considered a model land bank, when he was county treasurer. (He took a leave of absence to run his campaign, turning the reins over to Amy Hovey.)
Kildee wrote about land banks and their role in fighting abandonment and encouraging neighborhood revitalization for Shelterforce last winter.
It's always interesting and exciting when someone goes directly from the field into elected office. We look forward to following the work of Rep. Kildee on Capitol Hill.
Congratulations to all who put many long hard hours into many races in this election and to assure that the right to vote was honored and the voices of the 99 percent could be heard.