
Can’t Offer Housing Counseling Without the Funding

One of the highlights of this year’s National Community Reinvestment Coalition conference was the luncheon on Day 2, which took place in the Hart Senate building after NCRC members broke […]

One of the highlights of this year’s National Community Reinvestment Coalition conference was the luncheon on Day 2, which took place in the Hart Senate building after NCRC members broke off into their respective delegations to meet with their representatives.

As one can expect, some members are more sympathetic to some issues than others, and one of the issues that dominated the conference was the zeroing out of $88 million in HUD Housing Counseling funds. This canceling of those funds — funds that have long enjoyed bipartisan support — has experts, advocates, and practitioners worried that current and potential homeowners will not receive the counseling they need to make informed decisions, and that there will be an increase in foreclosure prevention scams — taking the place of advice from an actual HUD-certified housing counselor.

Meet Ryan Carver, Director of Housing Counseling at AAA Fair Credit Foundation, an NCRC member based out of Salt Lake City, Utah. Carver talks about general tools gathered at this year’s conference, specifically related to the changing “business model” of the nonprofit, but also about meeting with members of Congress who are essentially in favor of cutting things like the HUD Housing Counseling Program and making the case as to why these funds are important. Carver met with Rep. Jason Chaffetz, a Republican representing Utah’s 3rd District. Here’s what he had to say: