
6 × 6: Call for Nominations!

Shelterforce will turn 36 next year and we’d like you to help us celebrate! Community Developers 36 and Under: Call for Nominees Are you, or someone you know, a community […]

Shelterforce will turn 36 next year and we’d like you to help us celebrate!

Community Developers 36 and Under: Call for Nominees

Are you, or someone you know, a community development leader 36 years old or younger, bringing your talents to the community development world and making a difference in our neighborhoods? Nominate yourself, or a colleague: the only rules are that nominees must be 36 or younger in 2011 and work in the community development field in some way.

Send us a brief bio of the nominee, including organizations he or she has worked for and what role he or she plays there. We’d also like to know where the nominee is located now.

We’ll select 36 of nominees to submit 360 words on how they’ve seen the community development world change during their time in it (however long or short that might be) and how they think it ought to change in the next 6 to 36 years. Six of these perspectives will be published in our print anniversary edition in 2011, and all of them will be published in Shelterforce online.

Submit your nominee to: [email protected].

Get Your Kicks On Route 66

Chicago, Tulsa, Albuquerque, Los Angeles . . . Route 66 runs through them all. Most places along the highway have seen ups and downs, and many have extraordinary people with important stories to be told. If you know one, send us a note.

Submit your suggestions to: [email protected].

You Say It’s Your Birthday?

1975 saw the birth of Shelterforce, HMDA, and the Low Income Housing Information Service. It was a good year. Was your organization started in 1975? Was an important piece of legislation passed in 1975 in your state or community that’s made a difference? Let us know and we’ll celebrate that too.

Submit your suggestions to: [email protected].