- CDCs need to more effectively balance money and mission to ensure long-term financial viability.
- CDCs need to develop and implement strategies that respond strategically to the specific local market.
- Emphasize collaborations and partnerships.
- Break down traditional boundaries between the community development field and other sectors working to improve neighborhoods.
- Diversify the senior professional leadership in CDCs to better reflect the community.
- Recognize and respond to changing neighborhoods and constituencies.
- Operate within local, regional, and statewide networks and design strategies based on the most effective role within those networks
- Nurture a new generation of leadership.
- Establish partnerships, shared staffing models, and support
mergers if necessary. - Stay away from the “one-size-fits-all” answer to how CDCs should operate. Diversity is a strength.
Ten Ways that CDCs Must Innovate
CDCs need to more effectively balance money and mission to ensure long-term financial viability. CDCs need to develop and implement strategies that respond strategically to the specific local market. Emphasize […]