
North to Alaska—Where Organizers Roam

Very enlightening : I came across an article today on the Minnesota Independent, an online news source, titled Palin’s Maligning Aside, Alaska’s Rife with Community Organizers. Among other tidbits, we […]

Very enlightening :

I came across an article today on the Minnesota Independent, an online news source, titled Palin’s Maligning Aside, Alaska’s Rife with Community Organizers.

Among other tidbits, we learn from reporter Chris Steller that Palin’s state government is currently advertising for two “advocates” (apparently, the term for “organizer” in the Last Frontier State), and the state funds a host of others.

And — get this — in her capacity as Wasilla’s mayor, Palin served on the board of her local ARDOR (a network of organizing groups), the Mat-Su Resource Conservation and Development Council.

I’m guessing this was one of Palin’s “actual responsibilities.”