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NSP at Halftime

The federal Neighborhood Stabilization Program is a welcome source of funds in struggling communities, and it has had a massive effect on the nature of the response to the problem of vacant foreclosed property. As NSP3 gets underway and the NSP1 obligation period comes to a close, Shelterforce looks back at NSP so far.

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Getting to the Root of the Problem

Given the focus on investing stimulus dollars as soon as possible, we’re likely to see little support for long-term stewardship. How can we develop long-term community assets?


Making The Stimulus Work For You

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was enacted at lightning speed under intense political pressure. Substantively, it was a hodgepodge of programs and initiatives with no pretence to consistency or […]


A Good Start, But Let’s Move Away From Yesterday’s Priorities

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) provided states and metropolitan areas $26.6 billion in transportation funds that could be spent on a variety of projects, including road […]