While the community development field has been working on the “social determinants of health”— housing, jobs, safety, food, and education—since its very inception, making the link between what community developers do and the health of the people we serve is a relatively recent development, but an important one. When the community development sector works with the health care sector, the possibilities are significant.

But, as our editor points out, those linkages are still new. Actors in both sectors have a learning curve; it’s steeper for some than for others. We’re on a learning curve too. To help us climb the curve, we assembled an amazing editorial advisory group and we thank them for the guidance, knowledge, and insights they’ve generously shared with us.

Kevin Barnett
Public Health Institute

Rickie Brawer
Department of Family and Community Medicine and Center for Urban Health at Jefferson University Hospital

Natalie S. Burke
CommonHealth ACTION

Dalila Butler
PolicyLink Center for Health, Equity, and Place

Colby Dailey
Build Healthy Places Network

Denise Fairchild
Emerald Cities Collaborative

Charise Fong
East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation

Amy Gillman
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Lisa Hasegawa
UCLA Activist-In-Residence Fellow

Douglas Jutte
Build Healthy Places Network

Angela Mingo
Columbus Children’s Hospital

Quentin Moore
Beaumont Health

Sarah Norman
Sheppard Pratt Health System

Bill Pinakiewicz
Nonprofit Finance Fund

Kalima Rose

Megan Sandel
Boston University School of Medicine

Joshua Simon
East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation

Rachel J. Thornton
Johns Hopkins University

Frank Woodruff
National Alliance of Community Economic Development Associations

Robert Zdenek
National Community Reinvestment Coalition

David Zuckerman
The Democracy Collaborative, Anchor Institution Initiative

*Affiliations are for identification purposes only.

Our Funders

We also want to thank the funders who provided partial support for this project. In addition to financial support, we are grateful to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Kresge Foundation, and Kaiser Permanente for sharing their experience and insights while respecting our editorial independence.**


**The views expressed in our coverage of this topic are those of the authors and not necessarily of our funders.