Michael Rubinger

3 Posts

Michael Rubinger, President & CEO, Local Initiatives Support Corporation

Time to Build on Our Accomplishments

In addition to Shelterforce’s 30th year of publishing, 2005 also marks LISC’s 25th anniversary. From Shelterforce’s first issue to the day LISC opened its doors in 1980, community development was […]


Expand Upon Successes and Seize New Opportunities

George W. Bush is often described as a man who believes in limited government, personal responsibility, strong families and local initiative. It’s too early to forecast with precision how these […]

Community Development Field

CRA Survives Its Toughest Challenge

There is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at without result. –Winston Churchill The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) has survived the most serious attack in its 22-year history. The financial […]