Developers: Organize Your Residents for 2018
On May 4, we applauded Congress’ dismissal of the Trump administration’s request for $18 billion in cuts to non-defense discretionary programs. It firmly rejected the administration’s proposals and (finally) approved a bipartisan spending bill for 2017, funding the government through Sept. 30. The lights will stay on in the federal government for the rest of the fiscal year, and our worst fears that low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled might be literally left out in the cold are allayed … for now.
Three Dangers and an Opportunity
If it seems like we’re approaching a domestic policy pivot point, it might be because we are. Since Nov. 9, we’ve been thinking about the near- and long-term implications of […]
Housing Assistance for All Is a Matter of Racial Justice–and It’s Achievable
Project-based Section 8 has been a successful public-private partnership that helps provide affordable housing to very low-income households while also investing in jobs and improving communities. Any rational housing policy […]
Duty to Serve = Your Duty to Comment
In gridlocked Washington, rarely does one have the ability to truly influence community development or housing policy. Well, wait for it . . . that time is upon us! This […]
A Fair Approach to Fair Housing
When we received Shelterforce’s newsletter a month ago with ‘Section 8 Ghetto’ in the subject line, we were quite dismayed. Our organization, the National Housing Trust, is dedicated to preserving […]