Eviction Lab Misses the Mark
As housing activists and academics who conduct research on issues of housing and displacement, we have encountered major problems with Eviction Lab’s practices.
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As housing activists and academics who conduct research on issues of housing and displacement, we have encountered major problems with Eviction Lab’s practices.
The largest source of subsidy for building affordable housing doesn’t come with meaningful eviction reduction requirements, or even incentives. But it could.
Emily Benfer talks about what needs to change in our housing and eviction systems—not just now, but once the pandemic is past, the connections between health and housing, and how she came to be a go-to voice on the eviction crisis.
From Monday through Friday, 52 weeks a year, thousands of tenants, landlords, and attorneys make their way to the Daley Center in downtown Chicago. Everyone has to empty their pockets […]
Whether the governor’s rent relief and eviction diversion program will keep people in their homes depends on whether landlords can be persuaded—or compelled—to participate.
Sealing eviction records at the point of filing is an urgent step toward dismantling harmful tenant screening practices.
State activists say eviction cases were filed in violation of the CARES Act’s ban on evictions. Pre-trial settlement conferences are further complicating the situation.
Support at all stages of an eviction could help vulnerable tenants navigate the process, avoid being removed from their home, or if they are evicted, help them catch their footing.
The CDC issued a new eviction moratorium through Oct. 3. Will it be enough time for states to distribute unpaid rental assistance? And how did the 2020 eviction predictions pan out?
In a court division where a family can lose their home after a two-minute trial and only 12 percent of tenants have lawyers, Cook County’s lack of eviction court transcripts—with no court reporters or digital recording equipment since 2004—has serious repercussions for tenants.
When landlords name minor children in eviction filings, the negative effects could haunt them years later.
An eviction moratorium must hit all five phases of eviction to protect public health. Here’s what’s needed for an eviction halt policy to do its job.