
tenant protections

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Two women seated in a dark-paneled room. Behind them is an uncurtained window behind them and stone fireplace to the right. Both women have curly brown hair. The one on the left wears a flowing dark dress and several necklaces. She's gesturing with her hands as she speaks. The woman on the right is in a red plaid shirt and shorts; her hands are clasped on her knees.

They Had No Heat for Four Months. A New Law Let Them Sue.

In New York state, tenants can now take landlords to court to force repairs and get damages, without withholding rent first. Here's how one of the first tests of the new law worked.

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Winning Tenant Protections Isn’t Enough

When tenant protections are popular, opponents know better than to try to repeal them. But they can damage them just the same.

About 25 people in three ragged rows, outdoors under a tree, with houses across the street behind them. They are of mixed ages, genders, and skin tones, and all are smiling. Many hold posterboard signs, some of which read "People Over Profit/Greedy Landlords," "Build Tenant Power," "Support the Bleecker Terrace Tenants Association," and "Capital Crossing/2nd most Code Violations in Albany." Other signs are not legible.
Reported Article

In Upstate New York, the Fight for Good Cause Continues

Ithaca became the latest city to opt into New York’s new Good Cause Eviction Law. What are tenant organizers doing to make the law work better for their communities?

A tightly cropped black-and-white view of stone Ionic columns at the entrance to a courthouse. Words are carved on the lintel over the columns; visible in this photo are "and blessing."
Practitioner Voice

Six Steps to Ensuring a Strong Right to Organize for Tenants

Getting solid legal protections in place will help tenants stick up for themselves more safely and effectively.