Section 8
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VA’s Work to End Veteran Homelessness Is a Nationwide Model. Can It Translate for Civilians?
The VA's program doesn’t completely meet the needs of all unhoused veterans, but it’s close. That stands in stark relief to the non-veteran population.
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Shelterforce’s Top 10 Stories of 2023
What were the biggest Shelterforce stories of the year? We count down the top 10 of 2023.
A Critical Look at the Section 8 Program, a Webinar
In September, Shelterforce’s Shelby R. King was invited to participate in a virtual “Housing Hangout.” Panelists discussed the history of the Section 8 program, its strong points and failings, and ideas for large-scale reforms.
LA Isn’t Enforcing Its Section 8 Discrimination Ban. Could This Lawsuit Change the Tide?
In 2019, Los Angeles passed an ordinance banning discrimination against Section 8 voucher holders. But it has never sued to enforce the protection.
Landlords on Notice: Section 8 Discrimination Will Cost You
Landmark lawsuits in D.C., New York, and California make source of income discrimination risky for landlords.
How to Make Universal Vouchers Actually Work
If Congress gave the Housing Choice Voucher program enough money to serve every income-eligible applicant, what other reforms would be needed so every voucher recipient could find a decent home in a suitable area?
Your Essential Worker May Be a Voucher Holder
How housing assistance programs benefit all of us—and why they should stop leaving people behind.
Expanding Housing Choice Vouchers Would Strengthen the Safety Net
It’s time to mend the housing safety net. The COVID-19 crisis has thrown light on the fragility of millions of American families for whom a missed paycheck forces a decision […]
Section 8 Voucher Holder Denied Housing
Despite having a housing voucher—a legal source of income—a Buffalo, New York, woman could not find a landlord who would rent out their property to her.
Q: Can Prohibiting Source-of-Income Discrimination Help Voucher Holders?
A: Yes. Landlords in most places can discriminate against voucher holders, and many do. This often keeps voucher holders in a few segregated neighborhoods.
Section 8 Allowed
Early research shows that laws prohibiting discrimination based on source of income may improve outcomes for Housing Choice Voucher holders.
Q: Why Don’t People Who Get Rental Assistance Get a Job?
A: More than half are elderly or disabled. Of the rest, most of them do have a job! Ninety-four percent of rental assistance receipts are …
Co-ops: Resistance to Living in the Land of the Lord
For Section 8 recipients, a step toward economic mobility (and community control) can be limited-equity cooperatives. A Section 8 voucher can be used to pay some of the monthly carrying costs of a co-op unit.