New Mexico
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Western States Look to These Lands for New Affordable Housing
In several western states, state-owned trust lands were created to support schools and other community benefits.
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A Park That Affirms a Culture’s Rich Traditions
“If it weren’t for the artists, we wouldn’t have gotten anywhere.” By incorporating the Zuni people into the planning, design, and execution, a unique park in New Mexico addresses health on multiple levels.
CLTs Still Going Commercial—Nonprofit Offices, Hairdressers, and a Sausage Factory
Community land trusts, better known for permanently affordable housing, expand into commercial spaces for a wide range of reasons, and in a wide range of ways.
Regenerating a Place of Cultural Pride and Healing in Albuquerque’s Barelas Neighborhood
Restoring a community’s culturally significant site in Albuquerque to be a true economic resource as well as a source of healing.