community organizing
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In Houston, ‘Climate Ambassadors’ Represent Their Own Neighborhoods
CEER recruits residents to gauge their communities' climate needs and to act as climate educators. Shelterforce asked Rita Robles and Carmen Cavezza about the program, how it works, and future plans.
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Building Community Power in Newark, NJ
Jennifer Made started organizing at 13 and began feeding her community at 19, an effort that grew into the Newark Community Action Network.
Through Her Eyes: Community Organizing in Detroit
Kea Mathis organizes alongside tenants—mostly Black, women-led households—to create and support affordable, quality housing. “It is very hard . . . as a Black woman here, to be the one to try to ask the question first or stand up first,” says Mathis.
NJ Tenant Organizing—Looking Back at the Film Techos y Derechos
A decades-old tenant organizing film—now in digital form for the first time—is still relevant today.
How Organizing for Justice Helps Your Mental Health
How do social justice, organizing, and mental health interact? Shelterforce chats with clinical social worker Dawn Belkin Martinez to find out.
How the Bay Area Got $2 Billion for Affordable Homes
San Francisco Bay Area voters approved bold new investments in 2016 after housing advocates–part of the Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California–ignited a successful electoral strategy for the general election. Here’s how it worked.
Nelson Mandela was a Community Organizer
Off the top of your head, what was Nelson Mandela’s job title? “Icon?” Nope. “Inspiring speaker?” Nope. “National leader?” Nope. “World figure?” Nope. He was, of course, all of these things. Those […]
You Put One Seed in the Ground, You Get Many in Return
The passing of two annual events: Thanksgiving, a time to celebrate the harvest and by extension with family, and Black Friday, an event that encapsulates our consumer economy provided a […]
Neighbors: Faraway, So Close!
“Why does everyone in the country live out in the middle of nowhere? It’s so inefficient!” This was the reaction of a friend of ours, who hails from Europe, on […]
Standing Up for the Future
On Nov. 3, 2010, the day after the midterm elections, 30 leaders from PICO*, including homeowners struggling to avoid foreclosure, housing counselors and clergy, along with leaders from National People’s […]
Changing the Game
London CITIZENS fights for permanently affordable housing in the shadow of the Olympics.
Has the Fight Gone Out of Organizing?
After a brief, shining moment following the 2008 Republican National Convention, when it seemed community organizers would rule the country, they are now back on the defensive.
What Kind of Community Organizations and for What Purpose?
We expect the “solutions” to social problems to be found within the community, and yet community groups, more often than not, work beyond their communities’ boundaries. Why? Because they see the reality that if social and economic justice are to be realized in a community, then changes that are larger than the community must take place.