Philip Tegeler

1 Posts

Philip Tegeler is the executive director of the Poverty & Race Research Action Council.
A group of people stand behind a red ribbon before the opening of an art exhibit at a charter school. To the right, youngsters prepare to cut the ribbon with large scissors.
Neighborhood Change

Charter Schools, Gentrification, and Weighted Lotteries

Charter schools in gentrifying neighborhoods have the power to exacerbate the inequity that exists between low-income residents and wealtheir newcomers. How can they use their power to instead ensure their student populations are as diverse as the neighborhoods they operate in?


In Pursuit of a “Both/And” Housing Policy–The Case of Housing Choice Vouchers

Readers of Shelterforce are accustomed to seeing commentary about the perceived tension between community development and housing mobility. Almost everyone agrees at this point that there is a place for […]


The Increase in Suburban Poverty Could Be a Good Thing

Family poverty has spread beyond its traditional geographic boundaries, and our institutions and policies need to adapt to this new reality, reads the powerful new book from the Brookings Institution, […]


Prescription for a New Neighborhood

Housing mobility can complement community revitalization for children with serious health challenges. 

Neighborhood Change

Interpreting Segregation

The Poverty & Race Research Action Council has received a number of inquiries on the widely publicized report from the Manhattan Institute, “The End of the Segregated Century,” that looks […]


Transportation and Fair Housing Part 1: We Need a Better Measure of Opportunity

Factoring in costs that tend to be lower in urban high-poverty neighborhoods, but not costs that tend to be higher there makes the H+T Index unsuitable as a tool for locating low-income housing.


Back to Court

The big fair housing news of 2005 is a new federal court ruling in Thompson v. HUD, the Baltimore public housing desegregation class action filed by the Maryland ACLU in […]