Dominic Moulden

4 Posts

Dominic Moulden is a resource organizer at Organizing Neighborhood Equity (ONE DC).
Residents of four historically African-American neighborhoods hold up a sign that reads "This Land is Our Land! #TentCityATL"
Community Development Field

The Right to Stay Put

There is much work to be done around housing and equitable development, but the solution is not simply to move people around. A key challenge is creating real choice.

Members of a limited-equity housing cooperative in D.C. gather on the front steps in the late 1980s/early 1990s.

Creating the Commons

The commons can be understood as a set of resources that have been de-commodified: that is, these are resources that are used to directly support life, rather than to extract a profit through sale on the market.


Washington, D.C., and the Future of Equitable Development

For three consecutive years, ONE DC and George Washington University have come together to examine and respond to the various trajectories of uneven development that have framed and in all […]

Front of Wanda's Hair Salon in DC's Shaw neighborhood
Neighborhood Change

Equitable Development in Shaw

A recent New York Times article on the revitalization of Washington, DC’s Shaw neighborhood highlighted how real estate developers have rebranded the area to attract mainly white Millennials to this […]