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View from middle distance of small village in Alaska under wide cloudy blue sky. The most visible building are low, pitched-roof, red buildings. Beyond them are clustered other houses. The foreground is a flat, snowy or icy ground, possibly a road.

Retreating From the Coasts Makes Sense, But Our Current Approach Isn’t Working

As flooding, sea level rise, fires, and other climate impacts increase, we'll need to move about 20 million Americans by 2100. Here's how we can rethink managed retreat to get ahead of the rising tides.

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A view of a city from a grassy hillside. Just beyond the hill is a large settlement of one- and two-story houses, mostly visible by their roofs. Beyond them rises a steep, evergreen-dotted, and rocky mountain. The sky far beyond is white, except for a bit of blue at the right. No people are visible in this photo.
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Western States Look to These Lands for New Affordable Housing

In several western states, state-owned trust lands were created to support schools and other community benefits.

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A Transformative Experiment in Alaska

What do mimes, micro-units, and honoring Alaskan Natives have in common? Artists. The Cook Inlet Housing Authority’s work with artists helped the organization realize new markers of success and furthered its housing goals.


Why We Must First Be Well Before We Can Do the Work of the People

An Alaskan collective’s perspective on taking care of oneself can apply to organizations that work with communities that have experienced trauma. After all, organizations should make the mental and physical health of their staff a top priority, too.