Adam Gordon

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Adam M. Gordon has been a staff attorney at Fair Share Housing Center since 2006, when he joined the organization as an Equal Justice Works Fellow. In his work with FSHC, Gordon has litigated at the New Jersey Supreme Court and Appellate Division and worked on state and federal policy issues including very-low-income housing in high opportunity communities, Low Income Housing Tax Credit allocation, and statewide fair share allocation. Gordon is also co-founder of the magazine Next American City, which The New York Times described as a “subtle plan to change the world,” and a non-resident fellow at the NYU Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy where he has worked on several initiatives on reshaping federal housing policy to focus on sustainable and inclusive communities. A New Jersey native, Gordon holds a B.A. and J.D. from Yale University.

Former Foes Join to Defend NJ’s Housing Trust Funds

Injustice can create unlikely collaborators. In early 2012, New Jersey’s Governor Christie set out to cover state budget gaps with funds that were in held in trust by municipalities solely […]