
community gardens

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Shelter Shorts, The Week in Community Development—June 1

An International Housing Crisis | Adaptive Reuse in Orange | The Best Places For Bees | First TOD, Now TOG | An Incentive To Desegregate Schools | More...

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Arts & Culture

Not Your Average Community Garden

A good community garden is a space that nurtures hope, natural abundance, and growth, and eventually moves beyond food and into the realm of relationship-building that can help sustain healthy communities.


Control of Farmland, City Style

I have thought a lot lately about the issue of land ownership for farmers, and the barriers they face to buying land so they can plan for growing their business and serving more food consumers. This issue really matters on the edges of metropolitan areas, where farmers can find lucrative markets for their products and […]

A Jazz in the Garden session at Clayton Williams Community Garden in Harlem.
Neighborhood Change

Hanging on to the Land

Community gardens and urban agriculture are crucial gathering places—and revitalizing forces—in neighborhoods with lots of vacancy and low values. But what happens to them when the market turns around?

Michelle Obama and a young girl plant seedlings

Compost Bins on the South Lawn

According to the Sierra Club, of the 31 million tons of food waste tossed each year in the United States, only 3 percent is actually recycled, so I was particularly […]

Michelle Obama with kids who planted seedlings in the White House garden

Going Mainstream With the Obama Vegetable Garden

I’m a cynic when it comes to The New York Times and its reporting on culture, trends, dining, and style. Though I’m a fan of what is now seemingly one […]