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The Renter’s Dilemma

“The old formula of buying and dying in your house is no longer the formula for many…The stigma of renting is no longer the case. When it comes to living […]


Homeowner, Meet Your Lender

The reconciliation that takes place Thursday mornings at Philadelphia City Hall is not some attempt to further prove that Philadelphia is the City of Brotherly Love, it’s part of a […]


Election Polling, Big Data, and Movement Building

There is a data geek Internet flame war going on between Sam Wang of the Princeton Election Consortium and Nate Silver of over 2014 election projections. Evidence of the confrontation can be found here, here, and here. My research interests (such as they are) tend more toward demographic analysis, and I am far from […]



Shelter Shorts, The Week in Community Development—Feb. 8

Hurricane Maria’s toll on the mental health of those who moved, a forever home for artists in New York City, Greenwich CT is stressed out, Love a vacant lot, A federal watchdog shouldn’t watch itself, Social isolation remedies, more.


Foreclosure-Free (Almost) Homeownership

Homeowners in community land trusts (CLTs) across the nation continue to have substantially lower delinquency and foreclosure rates than owners of market-rate homes, according to survey results released recently by […]


Family Self-Sufficiency Program

Like many others in the community development field, Marianne Garvin recognizes that moving up and out of poverty requires not just a stream of income but also a reservoir of […]