Town & Gown: Making Research Serve Communities’ Needs
Academics often get a bad reputation for studying poor communities without involving them in study design. But some researchers are doing it differently.
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Academics often get a bad reputation for studying poor communities without involving them in study design. But some researchers are doing it differently.
When the community health promoters of San Diego’s Environmental Health Coalition (EHC) say they’re doing pollution testing, many people probably imagine samples from the local rivers or the air downwind […]
Community schools support kids, families, and neighborhoods in their mission to improve education.
The Success Measures Project, an initiative of the Development Leadership Network, has developed a set of indicators for evaluating housing, economic development, and community building programs. The website includes an […]
What are our priorities when it comes to neighborhood planning? According to the results of a public opinion poll conducted by the American Planning Association, “Americans want planners to focus […]
When Salt Lake City committed to ending veteran homelessness, its agencies had to be willing to change and work together in ways that weren’t always easy—but were always worth it.
Program evaluation is a key component of operating and sustaining effective nonprofit organizations. Evaluation provides systematic information about the results of your programs and their contributions to individual and community […]
In her July Rooflines post on the idea of “disruptive innovation,” Miriam Axel-Lute addressed how innovation has been over promoted in the nonprofit and public sectors. She focused on the difference […]
The election returns last November generated a bit of discussion among community developers in Georgia last fall for a few reasons. There were certainly implications due to the definitive results […]
“The old formula of buying and dying in your house is no longer the formula for many…The stigma of renting is no longer the case. When it comes to living […]
The reconciliation that takes place Thursday mornings at Philadelphia City Hall is not some attempt to further prove that Philadelphia is the City of Brotherly Love, it’s part of a […]
Like many others in the community development field, Marianne Garvin recognizes that moving up and out of poverty requires not just a stream of income but also a reservoir of […]