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Photo of AICHO's Gimaaji Gardens


Duluth Indigenous Groups Reframe Climate Work in Cultural Context

While many conversations about climate resiliency are well-intentioned, they often lack a perspective grounded in community control and cultural context. In this interview, Ivy Vainio and LeAnn Littlewolf from the American Indian Community Housing Organization explore how gardens, worm bins, and solar panels help reclaim agency for Duluth’s Indigenous communities.


Organization Profile Asian Americans for Equality

During the early 1970s, living conditions for Asian-American residents of New York City’s Chinatown typified those found in turn-of-the-century slums. In Lower East Manhattan, the area had always been a […]

homemade cardboard sign says "Affordable Housing Now!"


Direct Action for Housing

Direct action protest tactics for affordable housing can support efforts of lobbying groups.


Service-Enriched Housing

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty Through Empowerment In response to the housing crisis in the United States, nonprofit organizations have emerged as major players. Because many of these new developers […]


Urban Neglect: George W. Bush and the Cities

On April 29, 2002, the tenth anniversary of the now infamous Los Angeles riots, George W. Bush spoke at a church-sponsored community development center in South Los Angeles. Given the […]


Contracting with the Community

To connect with hard-to-reach communities, a Twin Cities agency diverted some of its consulting budget away from national firms and to organizations that already had those relationships.


Power to the Members

Community development and planning organizations with a voting membership are rare, but the ones that do prioritize a democratic structure say it’s well worth the additional work.


Whatever Happened to the Tenants Movement?

Last June, thousands of New Jersey tenants wrote to Republican Governor Christine Whitman and urged her to include more tenant/consumer voices on a Landlord-Tenant Task Force set up to study […]


New CDC Trade Association Lays Infrastructure

As sequestration takes hold and Congress wrestles with FY 2014 budget negotiations, the affordable housing and community development field is in a fragile state. With HOME funds recently cut by […]


Keep Growing the Grassroots

The Bush administration, in its first appointments and executive orders, has made it clear that labor unions, and working people in general, will be primary targets. Conservatives are worried about […]