Jul/Aug 2005
Issue #142
Fighting Gentrification
Gentrification and abandonment may seem worlds apart, but they are two sides of the same coin: market failure. As the articles in this issue show, it is never too early to anticipate success and plan for a time when the benefits of development will bring along unwanted consequences that, historically, the poor have paid for. Whatever your context – hot market or weak market – community land trusts, limited-equity cooperatives, and other shared-equity housing programs should be important tools in your affordable housing mix.
Gentrification and Resistance in New York City
For low-income tenants, the experience of gentrification is not a boost. It is the daily threat of displacement – for themselves, their families and their communities.
The Promise and Challenges of Co-ops in a Hot Real Estate Market
The Clinton neighborhood, also known as Hell’s Kitchen, sits in the western middle of Manhattan. From the urban disinvestment of the 1960s through the 1980s, it was the scene of […]
A Reality Check for Housing Affordability Advocates
The State of the Nation’s Housing 2005 report shows that middle-income families are beginning to face the kinds of housing cost burden issues only the poor used to have.
Planning for Success
In an essay last month, John Norquist, president of the Congress for the New Urbanism and former mayor of Milwaukee, asked, “Is Gentrification Really A Threat?” (Planetizen.com). Citing three recent […]
Shelter Shorts
CDC Partnership Gets Big Job in Boston Partners for Jackson, a development group led by two Boston CDCs, won a contract in June to redevelop a major intersection with housing, […]
Evaluation for Fundraising
Program evaluation is a key component of operating and sustaining effective nonprofit organizations. Evaluation provides systematic information about the results of your programs and their contributions to individual and community […]
A Victory Over the Slumlords
In response to tenant organizing, the Washington state legislature approved a bill that requires landlords to pay for relocation assistance for tenants forced out of their homes by the landlords’ own negligence.
Lessons from L.A.’s Progressive Coalitions
The Next L.A.: The Struggle for a Livable City, by Robert Gottlieb, Mark Vallianatos, Regina M. Freer and Peter Dreier, University of California Press, 2005, 279 pp. $21.95 (paperback). Alliance […]
Shared-Equity Homeownership
Beginning with this issue, NHI will be reporting on our current research interests. In the Fall of 2004, we began a two-phased, multi-year study on shared-equity homeownership, which encompasses various […]