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A pyramid-shaped building, mostly white but blue at the top. In front of it is a tall sign that reads "Memphis" in capital letters, with a guitar standing in for the letter I. In front of that is a trestle of brownish metal, and crossing the view diagonally are five parallel power lines.

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Reported Article

New Research Gives Different—But Complementary—Looks at the Community Development Field

Three fascinating research projects take very different approaches to learning more about the sector, but many of the storylines they are surfacing are related.

Reported Article

Why Don’t We Build It Ourselves?

Humboldt Construction Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Chicago CDC Bickerdike Redevelopment Corporation, has been providing local employment and high-quality work for over 30 years. But it hasn’t been […]

The cover of The Long Road from C.J. Peete to Harmony Oaks
Public Housing

The Long Road from C.J. Peete to Harmony Oaks

Those charged with redeveloping one of New Orleans’s Big Four public housing developments faced an extreme version of nearly every challenge that public housing redevelopment struggles with.


Excerpt: The Long Road from C.J. Peete to Harmony Oaks

Those charged with redeveloping one of New Orleans’s Big 4 public housing developments faced an extreme version of nearly every challenge that public housing redevelopment struggles with. and while it wasn’t perfect, they took their responsibilities to work with the residents seriously, and learned some lessons to share with others.


Homeownership Today and Tomorrow: Building Assets While Preserving Affordability

Can low-income families build enough equity in them to transform their circumstances? New research says yes.

Community Development Field

Bringing Buildings Back (Expanded and Revised 2nd Edition)

Bringing Buildings Back addresses all sides of the abandoned and vacant property problem, from how abandonment can be prevented to how best to bring these properties back into productive reuse.

The cover of Investing in Community Land Trusts: A Conversation with Funders of CLTs

Investing In Community Land Trusts

Why have funders embraced CLTs? To answer that question, NHI interviewed 15 funders from 13 foundations whose scope ranges from local, to state, to regional and national.

Community Development Field

Toes in the Water

NHI’s latest research report, Toes in the Water: Nonprofit Community Development Real-Estate and Mortgage Brokerage Programs, identifies state regulatory obstacles and assesses the future of a new direction in promoting […]


Taxation of Shared-Equity Homes

In 2004, the National Housing Institute launched an ongoing research project on shared-equity homeownership, focusing on three models of resale-restricted, owner-occupied housing: limited-equity cooperatives; community land trusts; and deed-restricted houses […]

The cover of Managing Neighborhood Change by Alan Mallach.

Managing Neighborhood Change

This report presents a strategic framework that can help practitioners and policymakers foster sustainable and equitable neighborhood revitalization, building on solid market demand while ensuring that the neighborhood’s lower-income households will benefit from the changes that have taken place.


Comprehensive Community Initiatives

The report examines how community groups work together toward the common purpose of changing the way their local systems (housing, schools, welfare) work and the way community groups work within those systems.


Building A Better Urban Future

Building A Better Urban Future is a policy paper for practitioners and policymakers investing housing resources in weak market cities.