Ron Dwyer-Voss

2 Posts

Ron Dwyer-Voss has worked in the fields of community organizing and community development for over 30 years. He began working with the Asset-Based Community Development model while community organizing on the south and west sides of Chicago. Since then he has been taught by residents and leaders in African-American, Latino, and Southeast Asian communities in a mix of urban and rural environments. He is based in Sacramento, California, where he has lived in the same neighborhood for 23 years. He is on the faculty of the ABCD Institute at DePaul University.
four people linking hands together
Community Development Field

Let’s Get Explicit: Social Justice in Asset Based Community Development

Four Asset Based Community Development practices that support social justice frameworks when practitioners make them explicit and intentional.


When Disaster Hits, Your First Responder Probably will Not Be a First Responder

Social scientists reviewed all the recent research on disaster recovery and tell us that before the coordinated help arrives, before the Red Cross and all the other recovery groups descend with legions of volunteers, there are neighbors.