Robert S. Narus

5 Posts

Bob Narus was editor of Shelterforce from 2001 to 2002.
Editor’s Note

Poverty and Opportunity

I grew up in a middle-class suburban neighborhood where children expected to have a future. Most of my friends went on to college, a few to distinguished careers. Even those […]

Editor’s Note

Over My Dead Body

In the weeks after September 11, there was much talk of a revival of popular respect for government, of a renewed sense of public purpose. Part of what brought us […]

Editor’s Note

Facing the Recession

I ran into Eric Belsky last summer at a Millennial Housing Commission hearing in New York, a few weeks after the Joint Center for Housing Studies released its annual State […]

Editor’s Note

The New World

The world did seem to change on September 11. America’s prosperity, its geographic isolation, and its persistent optimism led us to believe we were immune to the violence of the […]

Editor’s Note

Communities, Schools, and the Job Ahead

No institution is more central to a suburban neighborhood than the local school. People work and worship in different places, and many rarely venture beyond their property line except in […]