Rick Cohen

5 Posts

Rick Cohen is the national correspondent for Nonprofit Quarterly magazine and editor of the online Cohen Report.

Philanthropy Needs to Step Up and Fund Democracy

Ascertaining how much foundation money supports civic engagement, voter registration and mobilization, and related community organizing activities is damn near impossible. The Foundation Center’s database offers glimpses of foundation trends […]

Community Development Field

Where’s the Money for Democracy?

A breakdown of the funding climate for civic engagement.


Brave New World for Nonprofits

The current “bathtub recession” poses a drowning hazard for community development and housing groups, as philanthropic giving shrinks and foundations look beyond nonprofits for solutions to social problems.

Community Development Field

Making the Stimulus Work

Despite great obstacles, nonprofit housing developers, community action agencies, community health centers, and others stepped up and solved problems on the fly to make the stimulus work. Though more stimulus is not forthcoming, there are lessons to be learned for anyone working with government funding.


The Legislative Agenda and the Nonprofit Sector

Most community developers do not think of charity and philanthropy as policy issues that fit on the advocacy agendas of CDCs, but they do. Repeal of the estate tax, the […]