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Matthew Bellow

1 Posts

Matthew Bellow is the manager of neighborhood initiatives at the Memphis Metropolitan Land Bank Authority. He has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Memphis, double majoring in political science and economics. His work focuses on housing inequality and community stabilization.
On a lawn in front of a brick building with large glass panels that look as if they might have been garage bays at one point, stands a welcome sign made of mosaic tile. The underlying structure is invisible but may be concrete and forms a boxy semi-circle with a peak. The mosaic tiles are small and spell out "Welcome to Binghampton" in varied colors on a background of tiny black tiles. There are two stars over the letters B and I, and near the bottom is a band of freeform mosaics depicting faces. They're very small and hard to discern individually.
Practitioner Voice

Memphis Is Shrinking. Here’s Why We Need to Change That

Memphis is struggling with a dwindling population, driven in part by a high crime rate and disinvestment in low-income areas of the city. What are local organizations doing to turn this around?