Occupying Occupy: Lessons from Central Brooklyn
We who have a legacy of neighborhood action and a lived understanding of racial justice must become the next generation of Occupy.
Fannie and Freddie Violate New York’s Public Trust
Under ordinary circumstances, Sept. 1 — Labor Day — would be a day of celebration and pride. Not only does it commemorate the sacrifice of working families, but, quite fittingly, […]
ACORN Rates State Attorneys General on Foreclosure Prevention Leadership
While America has been waiting for Congress and state legislatures to get their act together on the foreclosure crisis, some state attorneys general have been taking matters into their own […]
New York’s Property-Tax Cap: Pitting Homeowners against Children
A New York State commission established by Governor Eliot Spitzer recently recommended ways to lower property taxes, which are putting a world of hurt on homeowners. Fair enough. Some of […]
N.Y. Legislators: Don’t Sleep on Foreclosure Prevention
It seems surreal, or like a nasty joke. How can Americans be so far into the foreclosure crisis and still not see any significant foreclosure prevention legislation from their lawmakers? […]